Footsteps of St Paul PilgrimagePlease join Fr Phillip Hicks msc on a journey with St. Paul as you relive the Acts of the Apostles and the various letters of the New...
Join St Patrick's Cathedral ChoirSt Patrick’s Cathedral Choir, Parramatta is recruiting singers! This is an exciting opportunity to join a group of highly talented...
2019 Bishop Manning Lecture - The Catholic Community in the 21st CenturyWhere have we been? Where are we now? Where are we going? Who’s going with us? Listen to priest, academic, author and Vicar General of...
Lenten Concert - 'Ashes to Easter' with Peter KearneySunday 17th March, 3.00pm, St. Canice Church. Entry by donation. Wine and cheese after concert. Peter Kearney is an Australian Catholic...
Pro-Life Holy HourIn the Monastery Chapel Wednesday, 7.30-8.30pm. All welcome. Bring your Rosary beads.
Lenten Retreat - St Anthony's ClovellyAs Lent is just around the corner, St Anthony’s Parish at Clovelly would like to invite you to a Spiritual Retreat and Enrichment Day:...
Save these dates!Sunday 31 March: Parish morning tea in hall Saturday 13 April: Parish working bee Friday 26 April: Healing Mass at OLR Wednesday 7 & 14...