Just click the link, and type in your name, a contact phone number or email address, and the amount you wish to give. Then choose Mastercard or VISA and complete your details. Done!
Use this secure BPOINT facility provided by the bank to make a payment or offering for any of these services:
General giving
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Program
Confirmation Program
Wedding bookings
Parish Events
Donation & Projects
Please also read the following refund policy:
“If a payment or donation has been made to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in error and a refund is required, please contact Maria Caetano on 02 9663 1070 or alternatively email olrkensoparish@gmail.com. Please note any approved refunds will be returned using the original method of payment. Payments or donations from credit cards will be refunded to the same credit card used to make the donation.”
Thank you for your continuous support to the Parish!
Understanding Parish Collections
A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works. This support is mainly through the two collections that are taken up during each Sunday Mass.
The First Collection
for the Clergy
First Collection - Parish Priest
Money collected from the first collection goes towards paying for the living expenses of the Parish Priest, including the following:
· Month allowance
· Food & Drink
· Health Fund/Medical expenses
· Household items
· Housekeeper wage including Superannuation
· Cathedraticum - a 10% contribution of the First Collection
· A budgeted contribution to the MSC
Donations for baptisms, weddings and funerals as well as Easter and Christmas offerings are also banked to the First Collection.
The Second Collection
for the Parish
Second Collection - Parish
Money collected from the second collection combines Planned Giving Envelope Collection and cash on the plate (30% of the Envelope Collection is tax deductible). These funds are used to cover the following expenses:
· Upkeep and ongoing maintenance of the Church, Rosary Room, Parish Office and Parish Hall
· Insurance (Parish Buildings, Public Liability, Volunteer Workers & Workers Comp)
· Parish staff wages including Superannuation
· Motor vehicle expenses
· Liturgical supplies
· Utilities, resources & running costs for the parish
· Pastoral programs such as scripture in state school
· CWF shortfalls
Donations for use of Church, Rosary Room and Hall as well as Hall Rental are also banked to the Second Collection.