Support for Couples, Families, Individuals
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball; unemployment, sickness, conflict, trauma -you name it – there are any number of things that can make life hard. When you need support, we in the Catholic community want to help. Here are some of the services available.
Marriage Support
All marriages go through ups and downs. Sometimes, it can be very lonely in a marriage and you might be feeling anxious or uncertain about what you can do to get your relationship back on track. Whether your difficulties relate to communication, conflict, addictions, sickness or infidelity we encourage you to explore the resources available to you below.
SmartLoving SOS is a free information centre listing resources available to Catholic couples and spouses struggling in their marriage. This includes online courses, tele-counselling services, books, blogs and videos and features specialist services for infidelity, mid-life crises, trauma effects, addictions, and others. It is updated regularly. www.smartloving.org/sos
SmartLoving BreakThrough provides spouses in difficult marriages powerful tools to bring hope and healing to their situations through an online course and optional coaching. www.smartloving.org/breakthrough. For a 50% discount use coupon code: JoyofLove
Infertility Support
Struggling with infertility, subfertility and miscarriage is a great burden for couples, especially when they so deeply desire to live out their vocation to welcome the gift of children from God. All may seem hopeless. In moments such as these, remember that despite infertility, couples can have a married life that is filled with love and meaning.
NaProTechnology - Fertility Care and NaProTechnology offer a minimally invasive, ethical approach to the assessment and treatment of infertility. https://www.fccau.org/overcoming-fertility-issues
Free eBook - Infertility - by CathFamily. https://cathfamily.org/2016-may-infertility/
Catholic Family Life
Looking for ideas and support in raising your children in the Catholic faith? Check out these resources.
CathFamily - An online database dedicated to assisting families in making the home the living heart of the church. Resources include printable handouts, craft activities, games, drama, recipes, and prayer rituals celebrating the seasonal feasts and Catholic culture. www.cathfamily.org ​