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OLR Parish Mass arrangement following further relaxation of restriction during Covid-19 – effective 1 July 2020


DAILY Mass: Everyday at 9am except NO mass on Tuesday and Mass is at 6pm on Thursday.


Weekend Mass: Saturday Vigil 6pm Mass & Sunday 9.30am Mass


The OLR Parish will continue to LIVE-streamed Sunday Mass at 9.30am.

To join the mass go to our facebookage:

or to watch the recorded mass on our YouTube channel


Daily mass will resume starting on Wednesday, 3 June 2020. Please note that there will be no mass on Tuesday and Mass will be at 6pm on Thursday. As the number of congregations attending the daily mass will generally be less than 65 people, no booking is required for daily mass. 

Please note the following rules and guidelines to be observed/followed for those attending the daily mass:
•    Parishioner attending the mass should maintain spatial distancing (at least 1.5m from each other, 4m2 rule per person).
•    Attendees may sit only in marked places
•    Attendees must queue at a distance from others (during communion)
•    Please take care when coughing or sneezing 
•    Avail to use hand sanitizer provided
•    Self-cleaning/disinfect the seat/pew where attendee is sitting before and after the mass
•    Those who are unwell or at high risk due to compromise immune or respiratory system must not attend; those over 70 should exercise particular caution
•    On entering the church, please fill in the attendance form, i.e. contact details as you enter the church (name and phone number/email address) must be provided
•    We encourage you to install the COVIDSafe app on your phone if you have not done so to keep everyone safe


1.    Weekend mass at OLR will be celebrated on Saturday Vigil (6pm) and Sunday Morning (9.30am) and to start on Saturday 6 June. We will continue to Live Stream the Sunday 9.30am mass via YouTube and Facebook.


2.    As the no of congregation attending each mass is restricted to just 65 people (based on 1 person per m2), to avoid disappointment, parishioner will need to register if they wish to attend mass via TRYBOOKING: Please keep your proof of booking handy (printing or show the e-ticket) when you come to the mass.


3.    Booking for the weekend mass can be made a week in advance. We request for those who have booked to cancel the booking if unable to come to release the spot to others who wish to come. Once the limit is reached, we will place your booking in the waiting lists, and you will be notified when spot becoming available. 


4.    Provision will be made for low risk elders and regulars who have no access to the internet. (For elders/regulars who wish to attend the Saturday or Sunday mass, please contact Maria at the Parish office by Friday 4pm).


5.    Only the side door of the church will be open to manage the entry attendance and gatekeepers will check your booking and provide hand sanitation as you enter the church. Once the mass started, the front-door will be unlocked for emergency route and allow people to exit at the end of the mass


6.    Due to possible risk of aerosol transmission, congregational singing is prohibited (sadly).


7.    Please note the following rules and guidelines to be observed/followed for those attending the weekend mass:

•    Parishioner attending the mass should maintain spatial distancing (at least 1.5m from each other, 4m2 rule per person).
•    Attendees may sit only in marked places. Using the above distancing rule, we anticipate sitting 3 people in every 2nd pew. One family may sit together in one pew and will exhaust the availability of that pew. 
•    Attendees must queue at a distance from others (during communion) and please follow the guidance during communion (as you walk to receive communion and returning to your seat.)
•    To take care when coughing or sneezing 
•    Avail to use hand sanitizer provided
•    Those who are unwell or at high risk due to compromise immune or respiratory system must not attend; those over 70 should exercise particular caution
•    We encourage you to install the COVIDSafe app on your phone if you have not done so to keep everyone safe


8.    The parish relies on your ongoing contribution (1st, 2nd collection and planned giving), alternatives to passing collection plates are available via:
•    Tap and Go plates (electronic via your credit/debit card) as you enter the church. 
•    Drop your contribution in the two collection boxes at the church’s entrance (clearly marked ‘first’ and ‘second’ respectedly)
•    Electronic Transfer (EFT) via Maria by emailing 
•    Make payment through BPOINT facility: 


9.    In accord with guidelines from NSW Health, i.e. on instructions on keeping a strict hygiene protocol, the following still applies:
•    No holy water in the stoups
•    Cleaning involving disinfecting the spaces before and after the mass will be required
•    Sign of peace will be omitted or given without hand to hand contact

•    Holy Communion shall be distributed and received on the hand only and Chalice is reserved to the clergy

10.    Roster for readers, acolyte and music will be drawn and those in the list will be contacted by Jan Nicholas (Readers), Father Alo/Maria (Acolyte), Sarina/Johanes (Music). If you are rostered to read, serve as acolyte or play music, you do not need to book/register to attend the mass.


11.    The Parish urgently need 4 volunteers for each mass to help with gate-keeping and cleaning. The volunteers will be registered as part of the ‘OLR-COVID19 Safe Team’ and this will be rostered. The benefit of becoming Volunteer is a guaranteed spot on the day that you are rostered 😊 If you can help, please register via: 

 Volunteers will be expected to do the following:
•    Cleaning/sanitizing the spaces before and after each mass
•    Check booking and provide hand-sanitizer as the congregation enter the church and provide direction/guidelines) 


Further relaxation of the CovidSafe provisions are expected over the coming months, but this will be depending upon infection rates are low and churches being able to demonstrate responsible behaviour. We really appreciate for your cooperation and hope everyone keep safe and stay well.



Daily Mass Covid Safe OLR.jpg
Weekend Mass CovidSafe 1 OLR.JPG
Weekend Mass CovidSafe 2 OLR.JPG

St Mary's Cathedral LIVE- streamed Mass daily (Monday to Friday) and also on weekends as per below schedule:



10:30am Solemn Mass

5.00pm The Liturgy of the Hours: Vespers and Benediction


Monday – Friday:
5:30pm Mass


12pm Mass

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